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According to global statistics and the Ministry of Health and Prevention, tobacco addiction kills nearly six million people annually, including more than 600,000 non-smokers who suffer from second-hand smoke inhalation. If the necessary measures are not made, tobacco use will claim the lives of more than eight million people every year until 2030. In the UAE alone, smoking contributes to approximately 2900 deaths annually.

But giving up smoking doesn’t have to be difficult. 

Stoptober is back again and with a prime aim of encouraging smokers to stop for the month of October (and beyond……!!)

So why not get a head start and take steps to stop smoking now for good?

Hypnotherapy To The Rescue!

If you’ve come to the stage where you’re thinking "I need to stop, but how can I live without it?”.

That stage where you have tried and failed to 'quit' so many times before. Tired of picking yourself up after repeatedly falling off the wagon?

It's all very frustrating.

Many in such a quandary have sought to approach the matter from a different angle and have come across alternative solutions such as Hypnotherapy. Studies have shown that hypnosis can be 3 times more effective than patches when comparing cessation methods. But why?

Hypnotherapy: How It Works.

Hypnotherapy is a powerful technique that can help you regain control back over areas that you feel you have little or no control over.

It can help change negative behaviours, break those restricting habits and interrupt those looping thought patterns that have been keeping you stuck and holding you back.

Hypnosis is the process used for accessing the subconscious mind. By creating a ‘heightened state of awareness’ through deep relaxation methods, the subconscious mind becomes open to accept beneficial suggestions that help promote positive change.

It is where your inner resources can establish new patterns of behaviour to promote positive changes such as control over-eating or drinking, reduce anxiety, have control over phobias and break destructive habits  - like smoking.


1. Understand the reasons why you want to stop. 

Is it for health, wealth, happiness? Making a list of ‘Whys’ is an excellent motivator to come back and review - and keep us on track.

2. Put these ‘why’ reasons in your phone calendar so they pop up every day.

Everyone needs a reminder now and then of why we wanted to stop in the first place - these little nudges really help you stay on track.

3. Choose your stopping date.

Put it in your diary. Once you have that booked in - you’ll start to feel better and have a sense of control over the future

4. Eliminate everything that reminds you of smoking.

You don’t need those ashtray or lighters scattered around the house, car, workplace to trigger you.

5. Give yourself a new reward incentive.

When you add up all that money that has gone up in smoke  each week - why not put it towards something you would truly value? For example, book that massage, movie tickets or nice dinner out - treat yourself!

6. Find yourself an accountability partner.

Research shows checking in with someone keeps us going stronger for longer. Why not buddy up with someone and stop together?

7. Download a ‘Stop Smoking’ app.

Quitnow! Easyquit and Smokefree are just a few examples of apps to keep you on the straight and narrow.

Competition Time

Fiona is offering one lucky reader the chance to get ahead this Stoptober with a Complimentary Stop Smoking session. The winner will be chosen at random. Please email with a subject heading ‘Yogalife Competition’ and your contact details before 20 October 2020.


Fiona is a Hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformation Coach based in Dubai.

Fiona Latif Dip Hyp CS MHS (Dist) – is a graduate of the Chrysalis Institution and has a Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Counselling skills awarded with Distinction in 2012. She is a professional member of the Hypnotherapy Society and is registered with the National Regulatory Hypnotherapy Directory in the UK.

Having established a successful practice in London and now in Dubai, she has had great success in helping numerous clients gain control over areas in their life where they have felt they have had little or no control over.

Using a variety of transformational techniques, ranging from traditional Erickosian, NLP, solutions-focused hypnotherapy as well as had training with the world renown Top Hypnotherapist - Marisa Peer in RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy)  - Fiona helps implement positive psychological strategies, empowering clients to convert from a ‘surviving’ status to a ‘thriving’ one.

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